Eighty Six
Their frequent visits to smoky dens of vice and iniquity have not been without consequence, however. Where once was seen the fresh faces of quiet introspection, we now see a trio of hardened features and focused minds; cool cats who know full well where they've been and where they're so unapologetically going. Their past lies littered behind them; previous recorded output tracing back from the melancholy [Raining & Falling], taking a shortcut through the melodic [What's My Problem Today?] and at present finding themselves in a place altogether more treacherous and heavier in tone [Army of Cats].
All grown up and come of age, The 'Six have set sail for the high seas and invite you to come along to drink their grog and swab their decks.
The Doctor - vocal crooning coupled with attempting to control the Guitar of Infinite Blackness, a beast so terrible it has been known to chew off it's own strings!
The Jackal - bassmaster and a force to be reckoned with!
Launch - Behold his drums made of human bone and skin!