Jon Gomm
Through his career, Jon has played everything - he started with Classical (although his guitar teacher was reluctant to take on such a young fellow!), meanwhile savouring every Beatles song. Then he discovered the dark magic of The Blues, and then was lured into the super-fast look-at-me world of the Rock Guitar Hero. He learnt to play jazz, to his own bemusement, and then, still reeling, decided he could make the most noise with an acoustic guitar and his mouth. He invented loads of new playing techniques, then heard Michael Hedges in late 2000 and realised that someone else had already invented them and made them sound like God yawning. Jon carried forth all these influences and pooled them into a lump of plastic, squashed it flat and polished it til it shined. This is soon to become available as his first CD, entitled 'Hypertension'. He's hoping that a giant hand will hear it and scoop him up to be seen by everything.