Josephine started as a mistake. That’s how the best comes out. Mistakes – all else is desperation. They are based in Glasgow. They don’t sound like Glasgow. There’s no Nick Drake. No make believe Californian Big Stars.
Three boys and a girl, they put it out on Lithium Records. The 7” This is Not an Exit, was released in June 2001 and quickly sold out. The Sunday Mail called it “Cool Venom”. Steve Lamacq said, “it’s good, innit?” It was supported by The Session in Scotland, the Evening session, Beat 106, Radio Scotland, The Edinburgh festival and Scottish Television.
It’s mistakes. Mistakes and bad breaks. Dodgy amps, wrong chords and poor, poor pick ups. It’s downs and ups, fighting it over. They fell on it. It’s relentless, loud and louder.
In the last few months, Josephine have played at In the City, played with Icarus Line, Hefner, Orangecan, and Fierce Panda’s Club Fandango.