Suncoil Sect
After three successful 12 inch releases and several compilation appearances, the Bristol based Suncoil Sect released their full length album 'One Note Obscures Another' on February 25th 2001 on Rocket Recordings.
The album, featuring 8 tracks (including their last 12" release "Free Form Energy Freekout") and produced by Third Eye Foundation's Matt Elliott at Swarffinger Studios in Bristol, is a culmination of the band's development so far. Comprising of material recorded on and off over the last 3 years. Tracking their exploration of modal drones, syncopated kraut rhythms, dub and psychedelia, 'One Note...' It draws upon numerous sources including DJ Shadow, Miles Davis, My Bloody Valentine, The Stooges and the Performance Soundtrack. Countercultural themes and the lost possibilities of different modes of living permeate much of the album.