We have imaginatively titled this feature “7 Questions” and the ‘concept’ behind it is that we just get loads of bands to answer the same set of questions and then we put it up on the site and loads of you read it. They should be identifiable as a feature and so you will be able to grow to love it with ease. That’s the theory anyway.
We’re bringing you 7 Questions from bands we love like Crackout, Eva, I Own Kings, Stapleton, S.Rock Levinson, Kids Near Water & Miss Black America just for starters. You have no idea as to the lengths we will go to for these interviews. We will struggle through wind, rain and fire…but only if we are in danger of dying. We probably just ask em really politely and give them sweets in the vain hope that they won't hate us. But I digress.
So, yeah, prepare yourselves for 7 Questions. There will be 7 Answers just underneath. It's coming soon (the 1st one is already up, and now the 2nd one is up as well). It’s genius. Promise.