Semi-popular Canadian beat combo Broken Social Scene have announced their intention to rest after fulfilling their upcoming tour commitments. Remarkably, they did not use the words 'Indefinite Hiatus'.
Band member Kevin Drew told Billboard: "We've become that band that doesn't really rehearse anymore.
"We just get together and go tour and play live. We've lost a bit of that thing we had at the beginning where we tried to challenge each other a lot more.
"The last few years have been hard. Things kept getting bigger and changing. But we've had an incredible, incredible, incredible run. It's something that can't be taken for granted.
"If we kept going, we'd be taking it for granted. Next time, we'd be doing college tours for money. That sucks the music out of you. Next thing you know, you're trying to get teenagers to buy your albums."
All of which begs the question: what's wrong with teenagers?