So many people want to see Muse that they can't even fit them into eight arenas. So, helpfully, they've added a few more dates - the trio stop off for an extra night in Manchester, Birmingham and the capital. Please find the full dates below.
10 Manchester MEN Arena
11 Manchester MEN Arena
12 Cardiff International Arena
14 Birmingham NEC
15 Birmingham NEC
17 Nottingham Arena
18 Sheffield Arena
19 Newcastle Metro Radio Arena
21 London Wembley Arena
22 London Wembley Arena
23 London Wembley Arena
In other Muse news, Matt Bellamy has confirmed widely-held suspicions of a Belgian influence on the new album, Black Holes and Revelations.
"One of the influences for 'Supermassive Black Hole' was a band called Millionaire from Belgium," said Bellamy in an interview with "[They] mix alternative guitar with funk beats, and I think they're a great band. So we were maybe influenced a little bit by them."