A self-released double-A single - Narcolepsy is the trio's own label - Sabotage Left's debut release is all shouting and screaming, sans particularly accomplished compositional skills. The vocals are apparently an afterthought, hollered into a microphone on the other side of the cardboard box this was recorded in, the emphasis on the hyperactive riffs and incessant drumming. The whole thing sounds as if it was written in ten minutes, on the back of a beer mat, over the band's fifth pint each of an evening.
The song titles give Sabotage Left's game away before you're anywhere near playing them: this archaic music is about as subtle as digging a pit in your mother-in-law's lounge and asking her to jump right in. But rock and roll needn't need intelligence to be dumb fun, and for five minutes Sabotage Left are just that: they jump around, swear a bit, fuck about with feedback, head back to the boozer. Intellectually, CBBC tears strips off them.
5Mike Diver's Score