Rock Stars and Valley Girls Need Not Apply
I know a lot of you youngsters in bands hate Pete Doherty cos you're thinking, "I ought to be the junkie on the cover of NME!" Fair enough. And the gals who look like Elizabeth Hurley but don't have Meryl Streep's talent, Hollywood still has a spot for you. They call it the San Fernando Valley and you'll be starring with Ron Jeremy. So assuming yer mum's and dad's are right - doctors, lawyers, and so on - what's your (almost) dream job?
Adverts - It's a distasteful job, sure - but coming up with some of those crazy clever ideas looks like a hoot!
PS Seems like you're already on to yours, Sean. Good for you, pal!
Adverts - It's a distasteful job, sure - but coming up with some of those crazy clever ideas looks like a hoot!
PS Seems like you're already on to yours, Sean. Good for you, pal!