A new low for Pitchfork
Anyone read their new list of the greatest singles of 2000-2004? Did they confuse "greatest" with "most annoying"? Perhaps it was the most obvious step forward for them - I guess they've got a bit bored with hipster obscurantism, and moved into (semi-ironic?) praise of corporate cock-sucking bullshit. In many ways this seems like the most calculated list ever: part their favourite obscure bands, part irritating crap, just to prove that they celebrate "good pop music" or whatever. Nice token inclusion of British acts they consider it cool enough to like: Dizzee Rascal, M.I.A. and way-past-their-peak Belle and Sebastian. Coldplay! For fuck's sake they've changed their tune. And to think I was hating them all this time because they told me to. The Basement Jaxx? All songs I've ever heard by them made me want to tear my eardrums out. At least we knew where we were with indie elitism. What to think now?
I was under the impression that the only people that buy CD singles nowadays were children anyway. So even leaving aside the mind-numbing ubiquity of pointless lists, why is this relevant anymore? And seriously what is their obsession with shit hip hop? And I mean properly shit? Eminem? 50 Cent? It seems like a weird kind of reverse indie snobbery which just turns out patronising. Oooh, Missy Elliott: she's like the shittest MC ever and couldn't write lyrics to save her life. People like her are sucking the life out of music, but we love her anyway because she's from the street and speaks like a child. Aaaaaah. Because inauthenticity is the new authenticity dontcha know.
Sorry for the stream of consciousness, but I can't go back and change it now. Comments please.....
I was under the impression that the only people that buy CD singles nowadays were children anyway. So even leaving aside the mind-numbing ubiquity of pointless lists, why is this relevant anymore? And seriously what is their obsession with shit hip hop? And I mean properly shit? Eminem? 50 Cent? It seems like a weird kind of reverse indie snobbery which just turns out patronising. Oooh, Missy Elliott: she's like the shittest MC ever and couldn't write lyrics to save her life. People like her are sucking the life out of music, but we love her anyway because she's from the street and speaks like a child. Aaaaaah. Because inauthenticity is the new authenticity dontcha know.
Sorry for the stream of consciousness, but I can't go back and change it now. Comments please.....