The Wolf that is Patrick!
My Fucking God!!!
It's been a long time since a record has caught me like this. I think 'Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus ' was the last. I hadn't even heard of the guy a week ago. I just kept seeing him mentioned within the pages of DiS by you folk. So anyway, I went out and bought Wind In The Wires last week. Nothing could have prepared me for what was about to happen! I mean CHRIST!! The guy is only 21, but looks 15 (from the images I’ve seen anyway!) and a bit of a drip at that!
Wind in the Wires is a beautifully constructed album, containing clear intent, conviction, wild electricity, beautiful sentiment, magic, panache... I could go on and on!
The opening track 'The Libertine' is a truly menacing uncompromising tale. 'Lands End’ was apparently written on a cliff top in Cornwall! A truly unforgettable journey that will be etched into your mind for all eternity.
I could rant on about each and every track, but you've probably heard it all before. Safe to say the whole album gives off a real sense of breaking free and is truly an original piece of work.
Sorry if I’m repeating what's already been said on DiS, sorry if you don't like Patrick Wolf. I was just compelled to write this and share my feelings about this truly astounding work of art. YES! I said work of art!
I just can't stop playing it!
Anyway, thanks for listening!
PS. Guess I need to buy Lycanthropy next?
It's been a long time since a record has caught me like this. I think 'Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus ' was the last. I hadn't even heard of the guy a week ago. I just kept seeing him mentioned within the pages of DiS by you folk. So anyway, I went out and bought Wind In The Wires last week. Nothing could have prepared me for what was about to happen! I mean CHRIST!! The guy is only 21, but looks 15 (from the images I’ve seen anyway!) and a bit of a drip at that!
Wind in the Wires is a beautifully constructed album, containing clear intent, conviction, wild electricity, beautiful sentiment, magic, panache... I could go on and on!
The opening track 'The Libertine' is a truly menacing uncompromising tale. 'Lands End’ was apparently written on a cliff top in Cornwall! A truly unforgettable journey that will be etched into your mind for all eternity.
I could rant on about each and every track, but you've probably heard it all before. Safe to say the whole album gives off a real sense of breaking free and is truly an original piece of work.
Sorry if I’m repeating what's already been said on DiS, sorry if you don't like Patrick Wolf. I was just compelled to write this and share my feelings about this truly astounding work of art. YES! I said work of art!
I just can't stop playing it!
Anyway, thanks for listening!
PS. Guess I need to buy Lycanthropy next?