Rock 'n Roll Movies
Top 5:
Spinal Tap (erm, obviously. "These go to 11." It's still funny no matter how many times I've seen it.)
The Cameron Crowe one, bout the kid who writes for Rolling Stone.
Yer Top 3 Best (he sez in his Mel Brooks voice*)!
I'm getting outta control again. I better go find a new job. See ya tomorrow boys.
* From History of the World Pt 1, Moses and his 15 *crash*, no, 10 commandments!
Spinal Tap (erm, obviously. "These go to 11." It's still funny no matter how many times I've seen it.)
The Cameron Crowe one, bout the kid who writes for Rolling Stone.
Yer Top 3 Best (he sez in his Mel Brooks voice*)!
I'm getting outta control again. I better go find a new job. See ya tomorrow boys.
* From History of the World Pt 1, Moses and his 15 *crash*, no, 10 commandments!