i know you got excited there wishpig :P
what's on your wishlist at the moment? i have so much stuff i havent got round to buying and i just dont have the money.
i have this list displayed prominently on my wall, but no-one takes any notice when it comes to birthdays/christmas/general present buying times...
british sea power
belle and sebastian
50 foot wave
xiu xiu
maximo park
thunderbirds are now!
tom vek
cap'n jazz
red sparowes
i think im going to have to go without food for a while
what's on your wishlist at the moment? i have so much stuff i havent got round to buying and i just dont have the money.
i have this list displayed prominently on my wall, but no-one takes any notice when it comes to birthdays/christmas/general present buying times...
british sea power
belle and sebastian
50 foot wave
xiu xiu
maximo park
thunderbirds are now!
tom vek
cap'n jazz
red sparowes
i think im going to have to go without food for a while