the genre game
what with so many genres about now, heres a remotely fun game to paly when your bored.
the rules: someone starts with a genre (e.g. dance) the next person has to name a different genre which begins with either the last or first letter of the previous genre (e.g. electronica.) if you cant name a genre then you are out. if someone says a genre which does not exist you anyone can challenge at which point the person who said the genre has to give 2 or more examples of musicians who make that particular genre. if they cant then they are out, if they can the person who challenged is out.
it can go on for ages if you have alot of people who are musically knowledged :]
the rules: someone starts with a genre (e.g. dance) the next person has to name a different genre which begins with either the last or first letter of the previous genre (e.g. electronica.) if you cant name a genre then you are out. if someone says a genre which does not exist you anyone can challenge at which point the person who said the genre has to give 2 or more examples of musicians who make that particular genre. if they cant then they are out, if they can the person who challenged is out.
it can go on for ages if you have alot of people who are musically knowledged :]