Seven Psychopaths
I watched this last night. It was OK.
It's basically Adaptation. done in the style of In Bruges, but not quite as amazing as that should be, really.
It's like Adaptation in that it's about a film writer struggling with writers block, and then writing a film but trying to avoid cliches and then the film that he's writing is manifested in the film you're watching, all meta. And it's the same star and writer/director and sense of humour and general feel of In Bruges. Just not nearly as good.
It has Christopher Walken doing a very good Christopher Walken-y role, like in True Romance, and Tom Waits is pretty good. Sam Rockwell's maybe not as brilliant as usual, but whatever.
It also has like 3 The Walkmen songs in the soundtrack, which is nice. Well, 2, one twice. Walkmen sounds like Walken. This is probably a coincidence. Also my name's Christopher and one time I played trombone for The Walkmen. I think this is important to note.
Anyway, it's pretty OK, 7/10, pop it on your lovefilm waiting list and enjoy it with a pizza, u no