drugs/meds/herbal meds question...
i'm pretty anti-drugs. standard. don't touch them at all, or even take OTC stuff bar the odd anti-histimine in the summer, just a few pints on the weekend sort of chap, but work's been stressing me out massively of late, wondered if there's any sort of non-nobheady pill or potion that might help me clock off a bit more after office hours. don't want to smoke a spliff, like, but y'know, open to ideas, anything really; stuff i might be able to get at the chemist (Kalms?, St Johns Wort?, other herbal stuff?), maybe even something i might be able to get off my GP (idk, can i just ask him for some benzies?) so long as it's not nutter stuff, or doesn't turn me into a spaceman. just looking for a nice mellow dulling of the senses, and some more regular sleep, like.
is this weird? probably. fuck it, i'm a bantersaurus. oosh.