Favourite film poster / campaigns ever
Saw the new poster for The Double earlier and quite liked it and it made me realise there have been loads of good ones in recent years - seems people have sorted their shit out:
The current ones for Budapest Hotel, Nyph()maniac and that Scarlett Johansson flick are all lovely too.
So what are your all time favourites?
I love this one for Funny Games - just such a beautiful layout:
And Kill Bill vol.1 really caught my eye at the time:
Obviously having a big bold graphic icon is great too. Jurassic Park's got me WELL in the mood for some dinosaur action:
Ghostbusters too was so simple:
The classic Indy & Star Wars posters (and the latter Crystal Skull one to be fair) & Back to the future etc are all timeless. Rear window still looks incredibly futuristic.
The Phantom Menace also had the best teaser poster ever:
So what are yours? IMAGES PLEASE.