Disliking people you don't even know (real life not celeb) #SSP
Right, I need to start by saying that I am one of those saps who generally likes everybody until they do something bad to make me revisit that opinion. I'm not known to ever take an instant dislike to anyone.
however, I've become aware over the years of certain people THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN (mainly) managing to irk me and my daily life.
Example one- years ago., when I lived in hometown and commuted to Glasgow for work, there's one super fast commuter train that leaves at 8.13 and gets you in at 8.50, and it would be the same people on the platform each day at <tiny village station> to the extent that we all knew when one of us was on hols or sick. We occasionally nodded/ said pleasantries, but we didn't know each others' names. WELL ythere is one woman. It is hard to age her- she has that natural pale blonde/grey hair that means that she oculd be 25 or 65. She was not in the slightest bit offensive, but she would write in her Filofax endlessly throughout the journey, stopping when we were ten mins away and then re-reading it while smirking a bit. Each year, you could tell when she had been on her holidays because she had a new patent shopping tote from Cunard.
I'm sure she is lovely but I think she hates me for judging her and whenever I go to stay with my parents on a schoolnight and have to get this train, thee she is with her wrinkle and make-up-free face, blue rinse hair, Cunard bag and SAME COURT SHOES AS 2008!!!!!
there is somebody else but I need to go for a yoga stretch before I can tackle it.
So shoot- who in your daily life that you don't even know winds you up?