1. What is your favourite cheese and why?
I guess probably brie, regardless of type, make and all that stuff so long as it's veggie, I was big on jarlsberg before I went veggie though.
2. Who or what do you really hate at the moment and why?
EVERYTHING & EVERYONE. The list is enormous, Incubus make me feel physically sick, most of the current 'garage rock' bands are disgusting - one or two are actually passable but as with most scene explosions most are completely forgettable, The Vines, The Libertines all that shit. Actually I am going to buy a gun and go on a killing spree. I will kill 10 people, some chosen, others indiscriminately. I think I'd be doing the world a great service and it would be completely worth doing. There are too many people and I'm kinda bored.
3. What’s the best thing since sliced bread?
Cats, or specifically my kitten Millie. She rules and makes everyday ace, other than that probably vinyl.
4. If you had to sleep with another member of your band who would it be and why?
Not really something I'd thought about but I'll give it a go! I guess Brian would kinda be a bit of a bull in a china shop, maybe lacking in subtlety, John would be a little boring I'd imagine, but I am only guessing! and Nik would probably be over anxious and hurried so in all honesty I'd NEVER have sex with any of them, plus I know all of them too well and all their weird habits and dare I say it, perversions!
5. Where do you buy tour underwear and how much of it do you buy?
When I'm feeling flush I try to get Next underwear, the cut is good the material is pretty good but they are kinda pricey, I prefer black although I was given a slinky grey pair as a gift and they're kinda nice, pretty soft.
6. Which member of your band do you hate the most and why?
None of them, Honestly! Those three are my best friends and although we all have our moments when we infuriate each other they're pretty good really so I don't hate any of them.
7. Who’d win the fight: The Grateful Dead OR The Undead with burning spears?
Fuck knows, the Kids Near Water deplore violence of any kind....sometimes.
Their LP !Hey Zeus! was out on October 21st and Simon thinks it's great: “The new record is pretty different from the other stuff, hopefully people will enjoy it, i think it's honest and interesting, it doesn't insult anyone’s intelligence or pander to anything and we haven't dumbed it down at all which a lot of the current crop seem to be only too willing to do.”
Kids Near Water are touring with Garrison and Jerry Built from November 1st. Click here for more details.