Staff Reviews

Todd - Big Ripper
Big Ripper is a flawed record, but crucially it's one that doesn’t compromise.»
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todd are back! check the very limited and exclusive bonus mix cd only available through rough trade. an hour of some of their favourite tunes that you may well hear if invited to one of their legendary barbeques at toddranch. two years after the release of 'comes to your house' and countless shows of hysteric noise and chaos worldwide they now deem the world to be ready for the next chapter.... and their finest moment yet! a slight line-up change, enough songs written for a triple album (and then disgarded as not being good enough!), a new studio and a new label (riot season) have all led to the band now becoming a tighter deal altogether. after a kiss and a hug from southern, todd felt the time had come to go it alone. they retreated to their island studio and began to strip everything back yet always keeping in mind what playing music meant to them. slowly the songs began to come. bursts of noise played over and over again until they began to take shape. recorded 'in the red' in two days, mixed in a week then realised fully back at the mysterious toddranch, 'big ripper' was ready. their balance of riffs, noise and magic is now even more astonishing while keeping the same intensity and beauty as they've always had. 'big ripper' is an absolute killer on all levels. from the machine gun fire of 'arista disco' to the wall shaking 'happy easter florida' via the super heavy 'the rub' and the drugged despair of 'french and in france', todd have mastered their art, blown it apart and started again.
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