Staff Reviews

thisgirl, Copperpot Journals, Million Dead, Funeral For A Friend - The Squirrel EP
Quite simply one of the best ideas to emerge in CD format for a very long time. Many a DiS wine-tasting session has been ruined by torrid arguments along the lines of "Who's your favourite UK Screamo/Emo/Post-Hardcore band then?". Not very original I know, but there you go. But now such traumas c»

thisgirl, Copperpot Journals, Million Dead, Funeral For A Friend - The Squirrel EP
Quite simply one of the best ideas to emerge in CD format for a very long time. Many a DiS wine-tasting session has been ruined by torrid arguments along the lines of "Who's your favourite UK Screamo/Emo/Post-Hardcore band then?". Not very original I know, but there you go. But now such traumas c»

thisgirl, Copperpot Journals, Million Dead, Funeral For A Friend - The Squirrel EP
Quite simply one of the best ideas to emerge in CD format for a very long time. Many a DiS wine-tasting session has been ruined by torrid arguments along the lines of "Who's your favourite UK Screamo/Emo/Post-Hardcore band then?". Not very original I know, but there you go. But now such traumas c»

thisgirl, Copperpot Journals, Million Dead, Funeral For A Friend - The Squirrel EP
Quite simply one of the best ideas to emerge in CD format for a very long time. Many a DiS wine-tasting session has been ruined by torrid arguments along the lines of "Who's your favourite UK Screamo/Emo/Post-Hardcore band then?". Not very original I know, but there you go. But now such traumas c»
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